Touch-free car wash is the latest and the best technology in car washing business. The touch-less car wash is one where you drive your vehicle into a bay and from there onto a conveyor belt. Once there your automobile is moved through the process involved in the washing system. It can save your precious time because this technology makes car washing much faster and easier. It can save water because this technology is totally water-less.
The main "active" ingredient is the one which will help to actually clean your car. Now all service providers prefer this technology rather than labors. Without any scratch, you can wash your car through this technology. There are no side effects of it. In this technology all the washing done by robots so, the chances of error are minimum. It is most beneficial and brush less process.
In this process, chemical is softened and heated for maximum effectiveness. Some of these water-less products rely on petroleum, silicone, or other type of hydrocarbon to clean the car. Anti-rust chemicals are an important part of car washing. This system works at a high pressure of 1200 psi. High-pressure equipment is the key to a speedy and effective car wash.
The main equipment that are associated with car wash systems are conveyors, prep washers, side washers, dryers. The most important equipment, of course, is the conveyor, which takes the car through different stages of washing and to the other end looking as good as new. The correlate will ensure the safe and smooth entry of the car into the conveyor and is as important as the conveyor itself.
If you want to have a truly cleansing experience then Tanforan Shell car wash in San Bruno is the best option. To know more about Touch-free wash then, click here